Last year, the Medicaid program celebrated its golden anniversary. A lot has changed over the last 50 years. Originally created in 1965 as a joint federal-state program to provide health care coverage for low-income, vulnerable Americans, it is now the world’s largest health insurance program.
Today Medicaid is an important lifeline for so many in Michigan and across the country. It is estimated the program will expand to cover 83 million people this year – that’s one in four Americans. Given its rapidly growing size, it is imperative the program is working as it is intended – providing care for folks who need it most.
Last week, the House of Representatives voted to make a difference for the nation’s most vulnerable. Republicans and Democrats worked to strengthen Medicaid, and the White House has officially given its seal of approval to these commonsense reforms.
It was an important day that underscores what we can accomplish when we work together.
Source: Working together to strengthen Medicaid for the most vulnerable | TheHill